Outsourcing Small Business Tasks: What and Why

by | Jun 5, 2019 | Business, entrepreneur


We love an empowered woman. A woman who can confidently step up and just get sh*t done on her own. A woman who recognizes her strengths and abilities and goes for what she wants. Want to know what else we love? A woman (or anyone, for that matter) who knows how to ask for help. Especially if that help allows her to do what she does even better. We’re talking outsourcing in business here. 

Look objectively at all the zillion things you must do in your business and ask to yourself “Where do I need help?” Sitting at your desk all day thinking “I can do it all” will stall your business, not push it forward. 

When is the best time to start outsourcing? There is no straight up answer here, as it is different for every small business. But the biggest indicator for when you should start to outsource is when you start to feel like you’re not spending enough time doing the thing in your business that makes you the money. Ideally, you’ve started to offload some of that work before you are feeling overwhelmed. 

Know the Value of YOU 

You started your business for a reason…because you are good at whatever it is you do. And there are people out there who want whatever it is you do. So why are you spending precious hours doing the things that keep you away from them?? 

Whether you are creating a physical product or you are selling your time through a service, people are buying whatever it is you produce. When you spend the majority of your time doing the thing that makes you the money – the product or the service – that is when you can start to see real growth. The value of YOU is what matters in your business. 

Evaluate Your Time-Sucking Tasks 

We love creating pretty, branded documents. In fact, Melissa could spend all day doing that. Some days, she feels like that’s all she does. Is that a great way for her to spend time? Not really. It’s preventing her from meeting with and talking to clients and carrying forward our client project work. 

Those time-sucking tasks are the perfect place to start when it comes to outsourcing your business. A great to way to start figuring out what tasks can go to someone else is to spend a week evaluating how you are spending your time. How many hours a day are you spending on various tasks that are not directly serving your clients or customers? How many hours a week?? 

Arguments of outsourcing can be “But I like figuring stuff out!” or “I can’t afford to outsource just yet.” We’ve got news. Just because you LIKE doing something doesn’t mean that you should be doing it. If you are spending a few hours a week fiddling around with your email system when someone else who knows exactly what they are doing can get it done in well under one hour, wouldn’t it just make sense to pay someone $25 or even $50 to do that for you? And then suddenly you’ve got 3 extra hours that you can be doing your client work and make a heck of a lot more than $25 or $50? It’s kind of like you can’t afford to not outsource. 

Fringe Benefits of Outsourcing 

Not only will outsourcing tasks and functions of your business allow you to focus better on the actual purpose of your business, it will also benefit your work/life balance. Those hours you spent in the evening working on your social media or making website updates or tracking your financials can be freed up to spend with your family, your friends, or maybe just a little ‘me-time’ to help you unwind. You might notice a release of stress because that huge do-to list isn’t that huge anymore. Taking a day off here and there will be made easier too, because you’ll know that those things that still have to be taken care of are being seen to. From the perspective of business and personal life, it’s a win-win. 

Want to talk about how outsourcing your Social Media Management can help your business? Send us a message below and we’d be happy to set up a time to chat. 

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