5 Networking Strategies to Boost Business This Summer

by | Jul 17, 2019 | Business, entrepreneur

“No one does business in the summer.” How many times have you heard that one? Guess what. The world keeps spinning in the summer, which means people are still buying. Sure, things might be a little slow, but doesn’t that mean that people have more time to talk, meet new people, and wait for it…network? 

Savvy networkers know that the summer season is an excellent time to take advantage of the slower pace of business to get a little face time with desired contacts. Whether you are keeping a contact warm or making a new one, there are several ways for you to get the inside scoop and share a little about your business with others.  

Networking can happen in any kind of situation, which means you can set a few networking goals to tie in with summer time activities.  

Hit Up A Patio After 5 

After a long day at the work, who doesn’t love to unwind with a drink at a nearby patio? Colleagues, acquaintances, clients, and friends all meet up to shake off the day, strike deals, and network. Go with the intent of talking to at least one person about what you do and what you want to do. 

Make the Most of BBQs 

Summer BBQ’s can be a great place to garner leads, rekindle a connection, and claim your intentions. Regardless if you are at a family, social, or work BBQ, it is a prime opportunity to talk about yourself. Not in a self-absorbed, tacky kind of way, but in a friendly, conversational way. Update your aunt on your latest business adventure, ask a friend about that neighbour who does that thing, or bend your friend’s ear about the success of the last project you worked on. 

Check Out Charity Events 

Charities and organizations host all kinds of events during the summer to build awareness, raise funds, and promote their causes. While attending charitable events not only is good for your community, it can be good for your business. Why? Because charitable events often attract a wide variety of people from many different areas AND you already have something to talk about with people (the event). It gives you an easy in to strike up a conversation with someone that you can then shift to a more business oriented topic. Ask them questions about what they do, and share a little about yourself. 

Invite A New Contact Out 

Be friendly. Use the nice weather as an excuse to get out and enjoy something together with someone. Ask a new contact to join you for a coffee on a patio, to take a lunch time stroll, catch a local sports game with you, or to enjoy the music of a local busker with your midday meal. 

Take Time To Network Online 

Networking happens both online and offline. A good networker nurtures both their online and offline relationships for optimal impact. Keep your online network warm by still being present and continue to build out your network reach by connect with new people online. Once connected, think about our 4th strategy…invite that new contact out. 


Don’t let your business fizzle out in the summer just because ‘business is slow’. Focus on deepening relationships to strengthen your network which will only help your business speed back up come September. 

Want to up your networking game? Book a networking strategy session with Melissa! Fill out the form below and we’ll in touch.

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