Get Your 2020 Goals Back On Track

by | Aug 4, 2020 | Uncategorized

We might be eight months into the year, but it kinda doesn’t even feel like we’re halfway through, right?? The goals you set out for yourself in January rolled well into February, and then the world did it’s whole pandemic thing in March and left so many of us hanging without a clue what our next step should be. And then it’s suddenly August and you realize ‘oh crud, I really need to get going on things…’ 

Don’t despair. The best secret to getting your business goals back on track this year is to first look in the mirror and tell yourself you are awesome and you don’t have any hard feelings about not meeting your goals. 

(For real, though, do this. Don’t be hard on yourself for not achieving ‘all the things’ you meant to so far this year because, well…this year has been insane. You’ll do better when you love and forgive yourself than you will if you stand there and get mad at yourself. Trust us, we’ve been there, done that. It’s no good.) 

The next big secret to getting those biz goals back on track is to conduct an evaluation of your original goals, align, prioritize, and plan for action. Not forgetting the whole time to remember your current situation and acknowledging what is actually possible for you at this time. Some of us can move mountains right now, and some of us can move crumbs. Neither the mountain nor the crumb is the point; the point is that you acknowledge you have the power to do something – anything – and that you honour and appreciate what you are capable of. 

Evaluate Your Original Goals 

When you rang in the new year, what was it you wanted for your business this year? Did you give yourself lofty income goals? Professional development? Business expansion? Team growth? Whatever it was, go back to those original goals and ask yourself “What was I hoping to achieve with each of these goals? How was this going to impact both my business and my personal life?”  

The answers to those questions might not be as tangible as the actual outcomes of your intended goals, but they will give you an idea of the value of the impact that you were striving for. 

Make a quick note of what you achieved, what progress has been made, and what was paused. Just for fun, make yourself a little worksheet with columns of ‘Achieved/In Progress/Paused’ and pop your goals in there. 

Align Your Goals With Where You Are Now

Next up is taking a seriously honest moment with yourself. Where are you at right now both personally and professionally. Resetting your goals in 2020 will greatly depend on this answer as we need to be realistic with ourselves on what is actually possible for us to achieve. How much time do you have in a day and in a week to actually dedicate to work? Are you only able to grab 20 minutes here and there or are you able to sit down and focus for several hours at a time? When you look at those In Progress and Paused goals, planning to revive them will depend on what you have available to put into them. 

Other things to consider are: Have your goals changed based on changes in your life over the past 6 months? Has the market changed? Has your business changed? Many businesses have had to completely pivot in what they do which means those shiny goals you made in January could be totally irrelevant today. 

Beside each goal in the In Progress and the Paused column, make notes on if each goal is still relevant and attainable.  

Prioritize Your Goals

By now your list of goals might be a little lighter. Or maybe they are same. Whatever they are, it’s time to start prioritizing those goals that are still relevant and attainable. There are just over 4 months left in the year; of your goals which ones are the most important, which ones are time sensitive, which ones will require more time and effort. Rank your goals with 1 being the highest priority. 

Make A Plan Of Action 

Typically at Define + Design, we like 90 Day planning (often called quarterly planning). But for 2020, let’s go with 120 Day planning (sooo thirdly planning!?!). You’ve got your goals aligned and prioritized. It’s time to figure out how to make them happen over the next 120 day. 

Determine when you want each goal to be achieved and estimate how long it will take you to do so. This will help you map out when you need to start. Identify one big action you can take each week per goal and document it in your calendar or day planner or whatever it is you use. Then for that one big action, as you approach each week, map out what you need to do that week to take that action. Slowly over the next 120 days, you’ll see that steady and consistent action will bring you the results you desire. 

When December 31 2020 rolls around and you look back at this year, you don’t have to think “What a waste of a year, I didn’t get anything done.” Instead you can think “I’m pretty frickin’ awesome. Look at what I achieved.” 

Want to get clear on your business, brand, and social media media?? Hustle + Flow Business Mentorship will help you do exactly that! Send us a message below or email us at [email protected] to learn how our program can help you confidently move forward in your business and tell everyone about it!

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