What You Need to Know About Clubhouse

by | Jan 24, 2021 | Branding, Social Media

Do you get FOMO when a new social platform comes out and everyone seems to be talking about it? The latest buzz is about Clubhouse. It’s been rising in popularity since the spring of 2020, and with its invite-only access, it’s definitely creating that FOMO feel. 

So the big question is: Should you be on Clubhouse for your business??? 

Fast Facts About The New Social Media App Clubhouse

We’ve got an answer to that, but first we want to share a few fast facts:  

  • It grew from 1500 users in May 2020 to over 600,000 in December. 
  • It’s a voice-based social media app 
  • Nothing is saved on the app – so once a conversation is over, it’s over 
  • It’s only in iOS right now (c’mon Android!!)⁠ 
  • People create rooms to host ‘conversations’, whether they talk solo or bring in someone to talk with, while other members simply listen and raise hands to ask questions if they so desire 
  • You can create your own room⁠, but you don’t have to 
  • You can follow both people and topics 

Part of the appeal of Clubhouse – which came out in the early days of the pandemic – is that to some extent it mimics the spontaneity of parties and large social interactions, which are pretty hard to come by in the midst of a global pandemic. 

Julia, our Social Media expert on the team, has been testing the waters with Clubhouse. So far she has been lurking and listening to really get a feel for what it’s all about and what people are doing there. 

Her verdict of the platform is that it’s definitely a good spot to be in general. As an avid podcast and talk-radio listener, she loves the voice-only aspect of it. She can listen in while doing other things, such as wrangling the kids or making supper. Essentially, she listens to the conversations just like she would listen to a podcast.  

The topics on there run the gambit from, well, anything you can imagine.  The company does it’s best to keep the tone and topics inclusive and non-offensive. Sure, you’ll find topics that push boundaries, but in a positive way.  

So back to our question…should you be on Clubhouse for your business? 

The answer to that question about any social media is…only if your audience is there!! It’s still early days for the app, so getting a detailed understanding of their user demographic would be a bit difficult. So we recommend asking around with your current audience to see if they are using it and what they are listening to there. 

It IS a great place to build a presence. It’s a platform for you to share your message, build up a following, create anticipation and intrigue, and make some great connections. 

Tips for Using Clubhouse For Your Business

If you do venture this way, we’ve got some tips to help you use this new app for your business. 

Build Your Bio: This is literally the only spot where you can put a picture. Make sure you pick one that is on brand and aligned with the imagery you use on other platformsThe first two sentences are what people see when they search you, so make sure they cover what you’re about. 

Listen: Spend some time lurking. Listen in to what people are talking about, identify the overall tone, figure out how you need to be communicating with your audience there. 

Interact: Just like any other platform, it’s a 2-way deal. You have to push out content to others, and you have to interact with others. Join conversations, raise your hand, and add value. 

Align Your Content: Remembering that the conversations here are not saved, treat this space as where you are sharing the same (or variation of) content you are sharing elsewhere. Think multi-purposing your content. You can start a conversation here and lead people to pick up the thread elsewhere where they can access content that relates to your topic at any other time they want. 

Promote Your Conversations: Sure, some pop-up conversations are fun and spontaneous. They create that FOMO. But create notifications within the app of upcoming conversations you plan to have so they know to be there. Since those conversations disappear, balancing between pop-ups and planned conversations allows your audience to definitely catch some. 

What do you think? Are you going to try it?? Hop on over to our Insta-post on this topic and tell us!  

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