Boost Your Brand with 4 Simple Networking Tips

by | Mar 20, 2019 | Uncategorized

Building up your client base takes work – hard work – and sometimes that work feels endless. What’s the best way for you get a new client or make a new sale? We don’t have the magic answer for that because, well, it’s a different response for each individual business. But we do know of a fabulous tactic that will help you to build up brand awareness AND attract clients at the same time. 


That ever-dreaded activity of going out and talking to other people…in real life. Most people we talk to snub their noses at networking because they think of events where people amass to pitch their product and service and land a sale. They think of business suits and appetizers and fake, glossy conversations. 

That’s not ‘networking’ in its true sense. Networking is merely talking with someone, sharing information, and being helpful. It isn’t a sales pitch. It isn’t an awkward conversation. It isn’t secret handshakes. 

It is the opportunity for you, a small business owner, to build up your reputation and educate others on what you do. 

Building brand awareness through networking takes some strategic planning and action. You have to go into it with the mindset that you aren’t engaging in the activity to make a sale, but to simply connect. 

Be Picky Who You Network With 

Not being selective about the events you attend and the people you mingle with means that you are going to be putting in a heck of a lot more effort than you need. Added to that, you’re going to be spending time talking to the wrong people. When you think about your marketing strategy, that strategy is based on reaching your ‘ideal client’. Your networking strategy should have the same approach: identify where your ideal client is going to be, and that’s where you focus your networking efforts. Not to say you have to go exactly where they are (because c’mon, that can be hard to identify sometimes) but you want to connect with people who are similar to or who might be connected with your ideal client. 

Be Prepared 

Whether you are attending an event or meeting someone for a coffee, you must be prepared. Not in the ‘follow a script’ sense, because remember, you aren’t pitching a sale. Rather, have stories prepared. Stories about how you have helped your clients, or how you design your products. Stories about what inspires you do what you do. And be prepared to ask questions about the other person. 

Be a Connector 

Be ready to ask for connections and be ready to share connections. If the conversation goes there, there is no shame in saying “If you know someone who needs (your service or product), by all means, share my information with them.”Again, you aren’t pitching a sale. But if you identify that the person you are talking to is connected with your target audience, why not throw it out there? As you are talking, if you see an opportunity for you to connect them with someone who might be interested in what they do, offer to make the intro! If you make that first connection offer, you’ll be surprised at how willing the other person is to reciprocate.  

Reach Out and Follow Up

If there is a chance that you’ve connected with us in the past, you’ll know that there is one thing we love when emailing with people: using video. In fact, we’re going to do that right now to help you see the awesome impact of it: Watch this!  

The way that you interact with others in your community is a direct reflection of your business. Approach networking from the perspectives above and you’ll find that the people in your networking will want to get to know you better, thereby know your business better, which makes it easier for them to recommend you to others. Dedicating time every month to grow and nurture your network can be so valuable to your business as it can create a nice funnel of leads that come your way. Rather than scratching your head figuring out how to make the best online ad and pouring money into it hoping you’ll snag a lead or two, invest in a little old fashioned in person conversation, whether it’s physically talking to someone in person or talking with them online. (Note: still do ads, they work too, but don’t just rely on them!) 

If upping your networking game is something you’re looking to do, check out our Networking Blueprint over in our Kits + Courses shop! It’s got everything you need to establish your networking goals, build your strategy, and take action! 

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